World of noise.

As things are on the ‘up’ I have been happier to take a bigger interest in noise and enjoy the sounds I am hearing. This has been a long time coming as I have been ‘distracted’ with how poorly I have been. Last week hubby and I went to London for the day and I kept a diary on my phone of all the noises I heard on top of what I normally hear in a day such as people talking, the car engine etcetera. I thought it would be a good way to start this blog post! Continue reading

The light at the end of the tunnel.

I am so sorry it has been so long since my last blog. There have been many many times when I really wanted to do one but I was either too busy or too tired and had to make a choice – I chose going to bed to rest! Also the longer it was since I put words down the harder it became but I have had five people in the last couple of weeks ask me why I hadn’t done one for a while and that they were wanting me to keep it up which I appreciated so I have finally bitten the bullet tonight.

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Nice n’ Normal November!

Hooray, I have finally had a month where I think things have been fairly normal! Of course, in true family fashion, we had some blips but even those are ‘normal’ here! I am now finally at the stage where I am doing things without too much thought/concentration/anxiety and I had feared that day would never come – BUT it has and long many normality continue!

Being told that my balance was irreversibly damaged (although not good news) was the turning point. Continue reading

Balancing act!

So far it’s been ‘Nice November’ with a dollop of ‘Vestibular Testing’ thrown in! First the ‘nice’ news. I am feeling quite positive at the moment the majority of the time which is a huge relief. Hubby had a nice birthday and enjoyed the cake I made him! It was the second sponge cake I made that eventually got decorated after the kittens ate chunks out of the first one while it was cooling!

KitKat cake

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‘Orrible October

After Awful August and Scary September it seems that I have just had ‘Orrible October. I didn’t do a post in October as I was unfortunately not in the right frame of mind and wasn’t ready for being honest and open which is the focus of my blog. Today was the first day that I feel that I can write another post – however I am finding it hard. Continue reading

Noises that I can hear three weeks after switch on.

The list of things that I can hear, can recognise or do because I can hear is growing longer!! My parents understandably have been fascinated with all that’s happened so far and we all agree that we are frustrated with the staff at Addenbrookes assuming that I have heard before and not getting to grips with the fact that I have ALWAYS been profoundly deaf. I think my mum summed it up perfectly in an email last week – I have always had a “good understanding of sound despite never having heard!”. The sounds and exercises that they have had me doing so far – have been relatively easy thanks to having prior knowledge of things, such as phonics. Also it’s because I am so nosy I’m sure! Continue reading

My first week with sound.

A week has passed since I have had sound in my life. I wish I could say that I have spent the week spending all my time getting used to it in a relatively calm atmosphere. However this is me you are reading about – there is always going to be some kind of drama!

My first full day of sound was also the boys last day of the summer holidays and I wanted them to have fun so my mother agreed to come over to take us to the park (I still am not steady enough to drive yet). While we were waiting we did some jobs such as the dishwasher, laundry and general tidying up. However all the banging, clattering, rustling, cats meowing and shouting from the boys caused me to simply snap. Continue reading

Cochlear implant activation.

Today was the big day! Activation day! Switch on day! The first day of a new era!

Beforehand I will admit to being absolutely terrified. I was worried that it wouldn’t work and that they would say to me – oh dear it looks like you have got a faulty implant or something like that. My hands were clammy and I was finding it hard to breathe properly. Hubby told me afterwards that my face was of sheer terror! Continue reading