The light at the end of the tunnel.

I am so sorry it has been so long since my last blog. There have been many many times when I really wanted to do one but I was either too busy or too tired and had to make a choice – I chose going to bed to rest! Also the longer it was since I put words down the harder it became but I have had five people in the last couple of weeks ask me why I hadn’t done one for a while and that they were wanting me to keep it up which I appreciated so I have finally bitten the bullet tonight.

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Memories of Wookie


  • I remember when Wookie did a pooh on my dressing-gown and Mummy threw my dressing-gown away. (Son#2)
  • I remember when Wookie brought a pigeon that was as big as a turkey into the kitchen and ripped out his guts out and there were feathers and mess everywhere and Mummy went mad at him! (Son#1) Continue reading

RIP Wookie

I should have done this post on Friday night but as usual I have been so busy that I have not had the chance to get on the laptop for five minutes until now. When I got home from a non-stop day at work on Friday (even worked through my lunch break!) after picking the boys there was a handwritten note from a neighbour through the letterbox.

It said that she had found out that we own a black cat and unfortunately she had found a black cat in her garden. Continue reading